An Optimist’s Vision of AI

Nicholas Mitsakos
14 min readDec 4, 2023

Nicholas Mitsakos

Blame Prometheus

The era of artificial intelligence is here, and it’s generating despair and fear over the loss of control and the worry that artificial intelligence is about to unleash killer robots and enslave humanity.

Perhaps…or, something else.

Artificial intelligence will improve lives and generate greater access to education, improve healthcare, and advance climate science, among many other improvements, and AI’s benefits greatly outweigh its costs.

AI has its costs since everything comes with a price (there are always both sides to the ledger), but the extraordinary benefits that artificial intelligence can unleash are worth the effort.

Don’t slow down, pause, or restrict research, development, and AI applications. Prometheus gave the world fire and while we can still cause great harm, it was among the single greatest advancements for humankind. Artificial intelligence can be the same thing for our modern-day recipients of fire from the gods. But, we can’t be naïve. We can still burn the earth down if we are not careful.

AI will not destroy the world — and is more likely to save it.

What is AI Anyway?

AI is the application of mathematics and software code to data sets (which can be quite extensive via large language models or specific and proprietary to organizations and individuals) to teach computers how to understand, synthesize, and generate knowledge.

AI is a computer program. It takes input, processes, and generates output. AI’s unique characteristic is that its output is useful across a wide range of fields, from research to data analysis to medicine to the creative arts — and even to coding itself. Importantly, it is owned and controlled by people (and not Skynet), like any other technology.

Artificial Intelligence is a paradigm shift in how we interact with technology, process information, and solve complex problems. AI is a sophisticated blend of algorithms and machine learning techniques, designed to perform tasks that typically require human intelligence.

This encompasses a broad range of activities, from recognizing speech and translating languages to making decisions based on vast amounts of data. The core of AI lies in its ability to learn and adapt: as AI systems are exposed to more data, they can learn, grow, and become more effective.

AI isn’t sentient. It can never be killer robots that aspire to survive or have aspirations and needs. It can not desire domination and enslavement of humankind nor will it uncontrollably murder all humans, regardless of what the best sci-fi novels say.

AI can make many things much better.

The Sharpened Rock — Why AI Can Make Things Better

Artificial intelligence is a tool for human intelligence. As I’ve discussed in previous articles, this is the modern-day “sharpened rock” that is the transformative tool for humankind to vastly improve many dimensions of life.

Human intelligence makes life better. Our great advancements have come from hard work and fundamental intelligence applied to what seemed like often intractable problems.

Human intelligence has enabled scientific advancements, academic achievement, job performance, occupational status, income, creativity, physical health, longevity, learning new skills, managing complex tasks, leadership, entrepreneurial success, conflict resolution, reading comprehension, financial decision-making, understanding others’ perspectives, creative arts, parenting outcomes, and life satisfaction possible.

Collectively, our work, study, pursuit, and diligence have improved human lives.

Further, human intelligence created our modern world: science, technology, math, physics, chemistry, medicine, energy, construction, transportation, communication, art, music, culture, philosophy, ethics, and morality. Without the application of intelligence in all these domains, we would all still be living in mud huts, scratching out a meager existence from subsistence farming.

We have used our intelligence to raise our standard of living to extraordinary levels over the last few thousand years — accelerating dramatically over the last 200. While these benefits are shared unequally, and there have been significant costs, whether it’s to climate, indigenous peoples, or lost cultures, the net benefit is still extraordinary.

Now for the AI’s Clever Bit…

AI is not intelligence, but it augments human intelligence and creates powerful new tools and opportunities.

AI offers the opportunity to profoundly impact scientific research, data and material science, the creation of new medicines, finding ways to solve climate change, and new technologies for many applications in much more effective and efficient ways.

AI Everywhere

  • Healthcare: AI tools process medical images, predict patient risks, and even assist in robotic surgeries. Can develop medications otherwise unforeseen even with the most extensive human research. It enables all medical practitioners to raise the bar to be more effective and competent. It gives insights and information to enable informed medical practitioners to be more effective at their job.
  • Education: AI systems personalize learning experiences and offer adaptive learning platforms. It may be the most effective personalized tutor available to all students anywhere. It can fundamentally disrupt hierarchical education enabling students to learn quite effectively at their own pace with the most patient and informative tutor imaginable.
  • Arts: AI is involved in creating art, music, and literature. Of course, this is somewhat controversial but it can be a tool that enhances human creativity. While in and of itself it may be “soulless” it can enhance and present the creative soul of more humans more effectively.
  • Business and Economy: From automating routine tasks to analyzing market trends, AI is a staple in the modern business world. It permeates the design, production, delivery, and innovative spirit to create new products and services globally. It enables companies and individuals with fewer resources to be more impactful. It may be the single most effective catalyst for economic advancement.
  • Science and Research: AI aids in everything from genomic sequencing to climate modeling. Specific examples include material science advancements otherwise inconceivable, biological research, chemistry and biochemistry analysis, and innovation in other areas with profound transformational impacts. Applications developed from these advancements can address many of our most intractable issues today including climate change, food scarcity, and pandemic risks.

AI intelligence augmentation has started. AI already permeates many aspects of our computer and machine-based interactions, and is now accelerating at an almost unimaginable pace through Large Language Models like ChatGPT, and will continue this trajectory exponentially — if we let it.

…And We’re Better for It


In education, AI is a transformative force. It personalizes learning by adapting to individual students’ learning styles and paces. AI-powered educational platforms can assess a student’s knowledge and learning process, providing tailored resources and feedback. This capability is particularly crucial in addressing the diverse needs of students, offering a more inclusive and effective educational environment.

Moreover, AI tools are being used to automate administrative tasks, allowing educators to spend more time on teaching and personalized interaction. AI can also assist in language learning, through adaptive language learning software, and in special education, by providing customized support for students with disabilities.


AI’s contributions to healthcare are profound. It has revolutionized diagnostics, with AI algorithms now able to analyze medical images for signs of diseases such as cancer more accurately and swiftly than ever before. In treatment, AI helps in creating personalized medicine regimens for patients, improving the efficacy of treatments.

Furthermore, AI accelerates medical research by processing vast datasets faster than traditional methods. This acceleration is particularly crucial in drug discovery, where AI algorithms can predict how different drugs will interact with various diseases, significantly speeding up the development of new medications.

Science and Research

AI’s role in science and research cannot be overstated. It’s a powerful tool for analyzing complex datasets, leading to groundbreaking discoveries in various scientific fields. In areas like genomics, AI’s ability to analyze vast amounts of genetic data is leading to new insights into diseases. In environmental science, AI models help predict climate change impacts, contributing to more effective environmental policies and strategies.

AI also facilitates interdisciplinary research, bridging gaps between different scientific domains. By processing and interpreting large amounts of data, AI enables scientists to uncover patterns and correlations that would be impossible to discern otherwise.

Productivity and Economy

AI is a key driver of productivity and economic growth. In business, AI streamlines operations and automates routine tasks. It provides insights for strategic decision-making, leading to greater efficiency and profitability. AI’s impact on the economy is also evident in the way it transforms industries, leading to new business models and services.

AI is also a catalyst for job creation, giving rise to new roles and industries. While it automates some tasks, it also creates demand for AI-related skills, such as AI system design, maintenance, and ethics.

Creativity and Arts

AI serves as a tool and a collaborator. Artists are using AI to create new forms of art, pushing the boundaries of creativity. AI algorithms can generate music, create visual art, and even write poetry, offering new avenues for artistic expression.

AI’s influence on design and architecture is also notable, as it assists in creating efficient and sustainable structures. These AI-driven artistic endeavors highlight the potential for a harmonious relationship between technology and human creativity.

AI in Leadership and Personal Development

AI extends its influence to leadership and personal development. AI-driven tools assist in decision-making by providing leaders with data-driven insights. This capability is crucial in complex scenarios where human decision-making might be limited by the sheer scale of data.

For personal growth, AI-powered applications offer personalized learning pathways, language learning tools, and skill development platforms. These tools adapt to individual learning styles, making personal and professional development more efficient and effective.

Dispelling Myths and Misconceptions

Artificial Intelligence is often surrounded by misconceptions that stem from a lack of understanding, imaginary science fiction, and sensationalized media portrayals. Dispelling these myths is crucial for a balanced perspective on AI’s role in our future.

Myth 1: AI Can Surpass Human Intelligence Imminently (The Singularity!)

A common fear is that AI will soon surpass human intelligence, leading to a scenario often referred to as the ‘singularity.’ However, current AI is ‘narrow’ or ‘weak’, meaning it’s designed for specific tasks. General AI, which could theoretically mimic the full range of human intelligence, remains a distant and speculative concept. AI’s abilities are often overestimated, neglecting the intricacies of human cognition and the current limitations of AI in understanding context, emotions, and nuanced decision-making.

Myth 2: AI Will Lead to Massive Job Losses

Another widespread concern is that AI will render vast numbers of jobs obsolete. While AI will undoubtedly change the job landscape, it’s more about transformation than elimination. History shows that technological advancements create new jobs even as they render certain roles redundant. History has many examples and technological innovation has never reduced available jobs and in fact, has consistently created jobs.

An often-cited example is the Luddites — people who believed automated weaving machines would put them out of work and destroy employment and their way of life. The new technology-enhanced commercial opportunities and created more businesses and therefore more jobs than imaginable.

AI will create new avenues for employment, requiring different skills focusing on AI management, oversight, and ethics. The emphasis should be on adapting to this change through reskilling and education.

Myth 3: AI is Inherently Biased

AI systems are often criticized for being biased. However, AI itself is not inherently biased. The bias is from biased data fed into AI systems. Ensuring diverse, comprehensive, and representative data sets can significantly mitigate these biases. Continuous monitoring and updating of AI algorithms are essential to maintain fairness and neutrality.

The Importance of Ethical AI Development

As AI becomes more integrated into our lives, developing AI ethically and safely is essential.

Ethical Frameworks and Guidelines

Establishing ethical frameworks and guidelines for AI development is crucial. These frameworks should address concerns like privacy, security, fairness, transparency, and accountability. Organizations like the European Union, the IEEE, and various national governments are working on such guidelines, which are essential for ensuring AI benefits society without causing unintended harm.

Having said that, we have the critical issue identified by Carl Sagan over 30 years ago. As he said,

“Science and technology play an increasingly important role in everyone’s life yet the people who govern us have very little understanding of science and technology.”

The challenge any of these governmental organizations face is that they are bureaucratic, ignorant, reactive, and lack patience and insight.

There is a lot of attention paid to the need to regulate, but no one knows what to do, and, rushed and overreaching governmental limitations are likely to be more detrimental than beneficial to any ethical framework that would be useful.

Standards and Aspirations

While there is no easy way to implement the following recommendations, they are a framework around which significant discussion, thoughtful recommendations, and potential trial and error are essential to get these things right. But they are important aspirations if artificial intelligence can become a useful and potentially essential tool to enable true beneficial transformation in so many important areas of society.

  1. Transparency and Explainability

AI systems should be transparent and explainable. This means that decisions made by AI systems should be understandable by humans, and the processes leading to these decisions should be transparent. This is particularly important in sensitive areas like healthcare, law enforcement, and financial services, where AI decisions can significantly impact people’s lives.

  1. Privacy and Security

With AI’s ability to process vast amounts of data, privacy and security concerns are paramount. It’s essential to implement robust security measures to protect against data breaches and misuse. Additionally, the use of personal data in AI systems must respect individual privacy rights and comply with regulations like the GDPR.

  1. Continuous Monitoring and Improvement

AI systems are not a ‘set and forget’ solution. They require continuous monitoring, updating, and improvement to ensure they remain safe, effective, and ethical. This involves regular checks for biases, errors, and inefficiencies and updating the system in response to new data, feedback, and ethical considerations.

  1. Collaboration and Inclusivity

Developing ethical AI is a collaborative effort that should involve stakeholders from diverse backgrounds, including technologists, ethicists, legal experts, and representatives of affected communities. An inclusive approach ensures that diverse perspectives are considered, leading to more ethical, equitable, and robust AI solutions.

In summary, understanding and addressing misconceptions about AI while emphasizing the importance of ethical development is key to harnessing AI’s potential responsibly. As AI continues to evolve, ongoing dialogue, education, and ethical vigilance are essential to ensure it serves as a beneficial tool for society.

In Summary

Artificial Intelligence has manifested as one of the most significant technological advancements in modern history, profoundly impacting various sectors of society. Its benefits span from enhancing efficiency in business operations to revolutionizing healthcare, education, and beyond.

  1. Transforming Healthcare: AI’s most notable impact is perhaps in healthcare, where it has revolutionized diagnostics and treatment. AI algorithms can analyze complex medical data rapidly, leading to early and more accurate diagnosis of diseases such as cancer. In personalized medicine, AI helps tailor treatment plans to individual genetic profiles, improving treatment efficacy. Additionally, AI-driven analysis in drug development has expedited the discovery of new drugs, significantly shortening the time and reducing the costs associated with pharmaceutical research.
  2. Advancing Education: In education, AI has introduced personalized learning, adapting teaching materials to suit individual students’ learning styles and paces. AI-powered educational tools can identify students’ strengths and weaknesses, providing customized support and resources. This individualized approach fosters a more inclusive and effective educational environment, capable of addressing diverse learning needs.
  3. Enhancing Business Efficiency: In the business sector, AI optimizes operations through automation and predictive analytics. It improves supply chain management, forecasts market trends, and provides insights for strategic decision-making. This efficiency not only boosts productivity but also fosters innovation, allowing companies to stay competitive in a rapidly evolving market.
  4. Creative and Artistic Expression: AI has also made its mark in the creative industries. AI-generated art and music offer new forms of expression and creativity, challenging traditional notions of art. In design and architecture, AI tools assist in creating more efficient and sustainable structures.
  5. Environmental Conservation: AI contributes significantly to environmental conservation. It aids in climate modeling, providing accurate predictions about climate change impacts. AI-driven technologies in renewable energy sectors optimize the generation and distribution of clean energy, supporting global sustainability efforts.

So Why the Panic?

In contrast to this positive view, the public conversation about AI is riddled with hysterical fear and paranoia. AI will enslave us or kill us all. It will ruin our society, take all our jobs, cause crippling inequality, and enable bad people to do awful things. What explains this divergence in potential outcomes from near utopia to horrifying dystopia?

As I discussed briefly earlier, history has shown us that every new technology with the destructive potential to transform our lives, whether it’s automatic weaving machines, electric lighting, automobiles, radio, or the Internet, has sparked an existential and moralistic panic convincing people the new technology is going to destroy our way of life and bring the world down with it.

Everything has a cost and many new technologies have led to bad outcomes. The transformative technology of motorized flight also enabled planes to drop bombs. Self-reliance on independent transportation has polluted the air and is dramatically altering our climate.

The list goes on but often the same technologies that have been otherwise enormously beneficial to our welfare can cause great harm as well. Of course, it is the net benefit that we must analyze. Everything has a cost, but does it outweigh the benefit that can be broadly shared globally? Moral panic does not mean there is nothing to be concerned about.

But a moral panic is by its very nature irrational — it takes what may be a legitimate concern and inflates it into a level of hysteria that ironically makes it harder to confront serious concerns.

Some of the hysteria has come from legitimate sources. Artificial intelligence pioneers like Gregory Hinton have raised alarming concerns as well as various scientists, physicists, and mathematicians who believe AI has more destructive capability than nuclear weapons. Artificial intelligence is society’s greatest threat, according to some.

The concerns of these thoughtful scientists and software pioneers should be considered, but when examining the specifics, they are speculative at best. These fears are hyperbolic and don’t address the reality of what AI actually is. Even Prof. Hinton has said that his real concern is speculative regarding the weaponization of artificial intelligence. This is a legitimate concern but should be measured and thoughtful — not reactive demanding artificial intelligence research stop. That’s absurd and, the genie is out of the bottle. It’s not even realistic to consider this alternative. We can take an active role in developing better forms of AI, increasing availability, transparency, and access while developing reasonable guidelines and standards to ensure safety and usefulness. But I am not naïve. There will be downsides and no utopia anytime soon.

Everything has a cost.

The Future

Looking forward, AI is poised to play an increasingly vital role in driving societal progress and innovation. Its future is not just about technological advancement but also about integrating these advancements responsibly into the fabric of society.

  1. AI in Everyday Life: Soon, AI will become more ingrained in our daily lives, making smart homes smarter, improving personal healthcare, and enhancing educational tools. AI’s role in personalizing experiences, from shopping recommendations to entertainment, will continue to grow.
  2. Solving Global Challenges: AI has the potential to address some of the world’s most pressing challenges. In healthcare, AI could be pivotal in managing global health crises by predicting disease outbreaks and optimizing resource allocation. In the fight against climate change, AI can enhance our understanding and response to environmental challenges.
  3. Ethical and Responsible AI: As AI becomes more integrated into society, the focus on developing ethical and responsible AI will intensify. This involves ensuring transparency, fairness, and security in AI systems, as well as addressing privacy concerns. The development of AI should be guided by ethical principles that prioritize the welfare of humanity.
  4. AI in the Workforce: The future will also see a transformation in the job market. While AI will automate some tasks, it will also create new job opportunities, particularly in AI management, development, and ethics. The emphasis will be on reskilling and upskilling the workforce to meet the demands of an AI-driven economy.
  5. Collaborative AI Development: The advancement of AI will increasingly rely on global collaboration. This includes partnerships across countries, sectors, and disciplines to ensure that AI development is inclusive and beneficial for all.

AI’s trajectory points towards a future where it not only enhances technological capabilities but also enriches human lives. Its evolving role will be characterized by a synergy between human and artificial intelligence, propelling societal progress and opening new frontiers of innovation and discovery.

AI is not just a technological advancement; it’s a catalyst for a new era of human endeavor. Its impact is vast, touching every aspect of our lives and work. As AI continues to evolve, its role in shaping our society and driving innovation will only become more significant, opening new horizons for growth, creativity, and human potential.

